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点击量:863    时间:2023-11-21
  本文摘要:Apple plans to do more to warn customers when hackers try to access their iCloud accounts, the company said on Thursday, as it attempts to close security loopholes in the aftermath of a recent attack on celebrities such as Jennifer Lawrence.在不久前詹妮弗劳伦斯(Jennifer Lawrence)等名人遭遇网络攻击后,苹果(Apple)企图堵上iCloud的安全漏洞。

Apple plans to do more to warn customers when hackers try to access their iCloud accounts, the company said on Thursday, as it attempts to close security loopholes in the aftermath of a recent attack on celebrities such as Jennifer Lawrence.在不久前詹妮弗劳伦斯(Jennifer Lawrence)等名人遭遇网络攻击后,苹果(Apple)企图堵上iCloud的安全漏洞。周四该公司回应,计划采行更加多措施,在黑客企图采访用户iCloud账户时警告用户。Apple is scrambling to bring to a close an embarrassing episode for the company ahead of next Tuesday’s press event at which it is expected to launch new iPhones and a new wearable device.目前,苹果公司于是以希望完结这一令人失望的风波,以便庆贺下周二的产品推介活动。

在下周二的活动中,苹果预计不会发售新款iPhone和一款新的可穿着设备。Private photographs of stars in various states of undress flooded internet forums such as 4Chan and Reddit last weekend, prompting an outcry over the apparent ease with which hackers were able to break into iPhone accounts.上周末,多位明星的各种裸体偷窥照片大量弥漫着4Chan和Reddit等互联网论坛,对于黑客或许能轻而易举地攻陷iPhone账户,人们回应强烈抗议。In an interview with the Wall Street Journal published on Thursday evening, Tim Cook, Apple’s chief executive, said new notifications about attempted password resets or logins would begin in two weeks. Apple will issue an update to its iPhone operating system, iOS 8, at around the same time.在周四晚上《华尔街日报》(WSJ)公布的专访中,苹果首席执行官蒂姆库克(Tim Cook)回应,苹果将在两周内开始引进新的提醒机制,就密码重置或账户指定等企图收到警告。

在约刚好,苹果将公布针对其iPhone操作系统iOS 8的改版。Emails are already sent when a password is reset, but customers will soon also receive a push notification to their iPhone or iPad when an iCloud backup is restored, or their account is used to log into an account on a new device.眼下,密码重置时系统早已不会发送到电子邮件。




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